Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Charlotte at 4 weeks

Dear Charlotte,
You are at one month today, if you consider a month 4 weeks that is.  Who knew you would be so old!  In some respects time has flown, but in others it seems molasses slow.  The bags under our eyes seem to be permanent, I think I have added some gray to my already gray highlights, but it has been worth it to know you.  You are a very smiley baby and seem to be content if your needs are met (as long as we know what your needs are).  We are lucky that you are more or less sleeping through the night save one feed so now we need to try to sort out your day schedule some.  You seem so interested in the world around you!  Plus you won't sleep unless you are against someone's person during the day, whether Daddy (and his famous daughter and daddy sleep shots) or mommy in her sling (wow how did you fit inside me?  You are so HEAVY on the outside).  We think you are fattening up, which makes us (and your Auntie Min) so happy.  Plus there is some regularity with your, um, regularity, so that makes us (especially daddy) happy as well.  In the Chinese confinement realm you have been confined enough at this point (either today or 2 days from now) so we are planning a party for you on mommy's birthday in a week and a half.  We won't parade you around like some sort of Louis Vuitton bag we promise.

We have minimized your visitors so hopefully your immune system is doing well!  There is something to be said about confinement.

Love, Your mom, who is in desperate need of some body hair maintenance


Pensive shots

On the verge of a smile

Off of the verge of a smile

Wow, all this photography is making me tired!

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