Friday, September 10, 2010

Random reflections and ruminations

  1. Arthritis is getting better and better.  I am more or less back to my weight training routine at my pre pregnancy weight levels.  The biggest challenge is walking down the stairs in the morning, as I use both feet on each step.  I have empathy for those with arthritis - probably the least fun I had had is with this.  It is as if your body is conspiring against you.  Crummy.
  2. Exercise is inevitable if I want to fit my clothes because I am short.  This kind of sucks but I am in the groove at the moment and don't loathe exercise.  I wouldn't say love.... maybe like plus.
  3. I think it is funny how distance is more of a perception than a reality.  When I lived in Hong Kong my friends who lived on the "Island" (Hong Kong) often could not be bothered to cross over into Kowloon (where I lived) - although it was a 2 minute train ride.  Going from one side of Singapore to the other is a 45 minute drive - something I would drive EVERYDAY commuting one way in LA.  If I was in a car for 45 minutes in Singapore it would feel like at eternity.  
  4. Parenthood does get better.  Charlotte's eyes focus now and she laughs.  I do think that I accidentally ate a wee bit of her poo today.  Win some - lose some.
  5. I am a bad driver, but I am in good bad driver company here in Singapore.  A veritable sea of no depth perception.  Particularly humourous when trying to park and everyone backs into their parking spaces.  Usually successful after 5 attempts.
  6. If America is anti-fat, Asia is anti-fat times 100.  I recently tried slimming (a free coupon - not on my dime) and it is soul-sapping and damn unconfortable.  As much as I sometimes dislike exercise, it is 100,000 times better than being wrapped in industrial grade Japanese Saran Wrap.  I have never felt more faint (or 'giddy' as they say here).  I would much rather stomach 2 days of sore shoulder blades than short-lived giddiness.
  7. Dove's Dark Chocolate is far superior to Hershey's Dark.  By a mile.

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