Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 22

Charlotte has officially passed the 5 month mark yesterday.  She is taking more trips out as she is getting stir crazier in the house - and I have little patience playing with her sometimes with the same toys too so I am sure it is a bit congenital.  I took her out for almost 6 hours today - I hope she sleeps through the night.  She got up early today which makes for a long day for Matt (e.g. she got up when I was jogging).  Matt has been busy with work visitors in from Italy and a big trade show.  I am tempted to give her food (not consistently) but I then realize how hideously salty my diet is (babies are not supposed to have much salt as it is not so good on their tiny livers).  Soy sauce anyone?

I am venturing into the shopping malls of Singapore - to escape the heat of my house (a heat wave these days - seriously more than usual).  I went to the Sands today and changed Charlotte's poopy diaper on a bench in the mall.  I didn't make it to the baby changing facilities, as the signage (I worked on signage there, mind you) directed me to one when it, in fact, did not exist there.  Daggummit.  Then I changed her on the floor by the stairwell.
Good times.

Charlotte (channeling Elvis - the Vegas years) is showing her unbridled affection towards our Bucky - and he is ok with that.  Sibling bonding...

This is the best photo of Bucky I have ever taken:

Charlotte exploring the intracacies of her brother's face:

Hearting her heart onesie:

Thoughtful yet straightforward:



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On Daddy's shoulders:
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Matching hat closeup:
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Peek A Boo Reprise - this time with Mommy:


  1. Okay, you borrowed that Pooh sleeper from Ava. Here is her rocking her Elvis.

    Too funny!

  2. Love the slide pictures. How can I get one for my fridge????? xox
