Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week 39 - Mad skills

It has been raining cats and dogs in the afternoon many days this week in Singapore. so the afternoon park activity has been precious and infrequent.  I am now taking Charlotte out in the mornings (as part of the Dr. Weissbluth regime) and it is nice as she gets to spend some time outside everyday (as it seldom rains in the mornings).

Speaking of Weissbluth - sleep training has gone very well.  Charlotte still protests going to bed (I mean, if you had the choice of play or sleep, what would you choose?) but generally under 20 minutes she is down (after 20 generally something is amiss - like she has pooped and is pissed off that we are not tending to that).  What is remarkable to me is that I can allow my baby to cry herself to sleep - and it was not as torturing as I thought it would be.  Certainly no picnic but tolerable.  The added bonus is that we often see her play quietly in her crib when we are looking at our video monitor.

Overall - I very much recommend sleep training.  I feel like everything is a bit more orderly now (plus I don't feel so rotten for not being able to rock Charlotte to sleep).

So Charlotte seems to have picked up some mad skills this week - including ascending stairs (assisted - but we will still count it), eating cereal with her hands (baby led weaning!) and waving goodbye to us with one hand.  I really want to get a video of this waving business but she does this sort of sporadically.

Charlotte also wears a lot of pants these days because she (or we) want her to get carpet/floor burns.

She seems overall a lot more content moving around in our house.  It is as if a valve has released of her own device and frustration.  She still gets bored but much less so.

Anyway - here are the videos of the week.

Charlotte crawling up the stairs:

And Charlotte with zen Bucky:

And photos!

Charlotte in a question mark pose:
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Lee and her son Aiden:

In her new car (a gift from a neighbor. Thanks neighbor!):

Extreme close up!

Cheeky and one-shoed:

In a great shirt from Aunt Becky:
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

The shirt goes along with this video (but I ask is there a dance of some sort? I am confused):

Teach Me How To Bucky from Logan Cascia on Vimeo.

In mid sneeze - this moment makes me laugh:

Practicing for frozen flagpoles everywhere:


Teach Charlotte how to Bucky:


  1. gorgeous photos. xoxox charlotte!

  2. The song is actually teach me how to dougie by the Cali Swag District.

