Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 129 and Week 42.5 - More freakin' biting and Daddy's birthday!

Argh.  Char was bit again on Monday.  Same girl.  Apparently V wants to be BFF with Char and expresses her love via biting.  Jeez.  Can a one year old (she is 22 months) be reasoned with?  The school is trying to be reasonable (and reasoning with all involved) but now they are to be 'separated' with a teacher always with one or another.  WTF?  I am going to take Char out of this happens again.  Double argh.  School should be a safe haven.  I know biting happens but maybe I am too overprotective to be super tolerant of this.  I wish I could be the mom who could be more laissez faire but V has issues.  Luckily Char was in better spirits about it.  She is stoic as it is happening I guess.  Thank goodness she is Midwestern/Korean.

We have decided to put Char in school three days a week (or so) as she gets so tired on her home days (yesterday she had a three hour nap!).  Also on her home days (and whenever possible) she helps me cook - putting liquid ingredients in the bowl, pushing fruits and veggies through the juicer, spinning the salad spinner and turning on the blender.  It is nice to keep her engaged with this (now getting her interested in eating her concoctions is another matter entirely).  The other day she helped make Spanish rice -even sauteing the rice and onions in the pan (while standing on a footstool).  Need to take some pictures soon.

Char is watching Gangnam Style, 12 by the Pointer Sisters (the Sesame Street pinball video), and Feist's 1, 2, 3, 4.  Also she is playing with Play Dough these days.

Sophia is sleeping better these days.  She slept all night except Sunday night.  The two hour evening crawling strategy seems to be working!

Another Sunday lunch at the airport- my new favorite place!   Kiddie toilet seats everywhere and good kiddie distractions.  Now if only we can get Sophia to nap on a Sunday...

More camera bits - shutter priority for indoor pictures!  Where have you been the last two years?

I also got my S95 back.  There is not much love there (from me) anymore - will get a different camera when this one blows up.

Today is Matt's birthday!  He is in Macau today, but we got to do a small birthday celebration yesterday (to be continued to a more extensive one this weekend).

Sophia with a teddy bear friend:


Sophia plays with things while I play with my camera (shutter priority and an external flash):




Char sets up for a table picnic at TT's:

Sophia at Crystal Jade Shanghai Kitchen:


Charlotte laughs at lunch (while we cry over all of her spilled water):

Watching airplanes:





Fake pet carriers on display:

Char and Daddy point to an elephant:

Char eats a cupcake:

And toasts Daddy with his birthday cupcake:

Morning shot with the birthday boy and his girls!

And the videos:
Here I am trying to get the girls to laugh with my gutteral(?) Korean counting:

Here we are celebrating Matt's birthday last night:

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