Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week 131 and Week 44.5 - Emergency Room

I just would like a week were nothing happens and we watch the paint dry.  This is not one of those weeks.

Charlotte got her hand stuck in an elevator (where the door meets the side - not where the door closes).  This was in the Suntec elevator after swim practice (I was not there).  We were in the ER Saturday night.  Char had x-rays taken, her hand was fine, and I had this weird revelation that my body (via pregnancy) made her x-rayed bones.  Her hand is fine and being 2, she has totally forgotten about it and is onto other pressing matters, like her Play Doh.

We had the Stampers over on Sunday which was great.  We have been so slow to have people over (as Matt has been traveling a lot).  It was nice to have a relaxed gathering among friends!

Charlotte has been climbing well in the park these days.  She also calls this tween guy who visits the park and sings Lady Gaga a "silly guy."  Recently she is saying ""Omigosh!" a lot, thanks to her yaya.

Sophia is 8.83kg and 69cm tall, which puts her at 50% and 25% respectively among ten month old girls.

Sophia's diarrhea has passed but now Charlotte has that dreaded night cough that never goes away.

Char and Daddy at his birthday dinner at Outback a couple of weeks ago:

And waiting at the doctor's the next day for Sophia's visit:

Charlotte now naps in our bed sometimes:

Sophia is getting used to her car:

Lovely Cameron:

Char in braids:

And Princess Leia hair:

And pigtails:

Lovely Ella:

Those 2 teeth!  Lovely!

Marie poses:
Charlotte's signature smile:


Playing with Alexandra's necklace:

Miles walks with his momma:

Charlotte's mad climbing skills:


Sophia's slide fun:


Sisters have fun on the slide together:





And now for some videos I forgot I had on my phone...
 Char and Sophia slide together:

Sophia swings:

Sophia tries Chris's car (and goes only backwards):

Sophia walks at Outback:

Sophia is swing by Yaya and laughs:

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