Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 130 and Week 43.5 - TT's party and more!

Lots to cover this week.  First I want to mention things I keep forgetting to mention here.

  1. A week ago I was super concerned as Sophia went to sleep with a clammy head (and a temperature of 36C - not sure what that is in F).  I was super nervous, checking that ridiculous Babycenter, and calling my sister (and her husband told me to put a hat on her head - brilliant).  Matt and I were concerned because she kept on shivering during dinner.  The next morning she is fine temperaturewise.  We mention the shivering to Imee.  She tells us that is how Sophia pees!
  2. Sophia is now 10 months old.  I have been breastfeeding for 10 months!  How did this happen? 
  3. Charlotte is now swinging in the big girl swing.  Of course she wants to go higher and higher and can go for 40 minutes at a time.  She even knows where to stand to queue for the next available swing.  This is a nice relaxing activity for Char and I (ok, mostly for me).
  4. As mentioned in the video last week Sophia is clapping.  Sort of a golf clap where there is some hand contact but no noise.  It is surprisingly elegant for an infant/toddler.
  5. Char is singing!  She now sings along to the rainbow song and sings this song from her school "Good afternoon, good afternoon to you.  I am thankful for my parents and my teachers."  There is also a Chinese song that of course we have no reference for.
  6. The other day Charlotte says that she sleeps for two hours - eerie since she actually did sleep for two hours.  Then this morning she also volunteers that she sleeps for two hours (when really she slept for ten).  I was almost amazed at her ability to measure elapsed time.
  7. Charlotte is also saying "Actually Bucky is lying down already."  Unprompted and without Bucky around.
  8. Charlotte got to go to a fish farm and had a pirate day at school this past week for Children's Day (and was scared of the pirate mask I got).  She was scared of the big fish and the teacher dressed like a monster.  The monster made her very fast for musical chairs!
  9. Charlotte did not get bitten this past week!  Sigh, the small successes. 
  10. Sophia has a bit of diarrhea this week.  Ten times she went on Saturday.  Nightmare images flashed past my mind of Charlotte's rotavirus.  Luckily this seems to be a smaller bug as she has gone 4-5 times a day since Sunday (and maybe 3 times on Monday).  I really loathe diarrhea.
  11. Sophia inadvertently ate a half a teaspoon diaper cream this week.  I was really nervous about it and took her to the pediatrician who was the voice of reason and said it would pass through.  Sophia has been a champ - smiling through diarrhea and diaper cream ingestion.  I however have been a nervous wreck this week.  No reason why really.
  12. Matt is traveling again - he is gone the whole week to Macau.
  13. Finally - we helped to celebrate TT's birthday at Mana Mana on the beach on Saturday!  Char's BFF is now 4!  Happy birthday TT!
Sophia is fancy at the beach with Tita Monica!

And Yaya!

Serious birthday boy:

Midwest Matts share their own symbol(?):

Sleepy Mai:
Organized activities:







Char was not into this hat!

Neither was Sophia:

An engineered volcano cake to make DH proud!




Various candids:







Like father like son!

Matt and Susie bump bellies!

Nice shot!
Prom shot:
Money TT shot!

Sophia sleeps:

And hates hats!

Ok better now:

Sisters hug:
Sophia talking to Ella:

Virginie and son:

Sophia's jealous that Imee is holding Ella!

Toe walking:


So many teeth!


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