Saturday, April 3, 2010

Week 38.5 - Please come out, dear Kumquat

Being full term is a bit overrated.  10 days ago I was deemed full-term but I can have Kumquat for up to a month after 37 weeks (aka full term) and all will still be fine.  A month is a long time though, especially when you are impatient like me about such things.  Yesterday we bought hot cross buns from the local German bakery and the local auntie there surmised Kumquat hasn't dropped yet - that it is not anytime soon.  She should know; her daughter just had her fourth.  I don't necessarily mind having her on the inside - it is just so bloody hot.  If I am outside for 10 minutes I am irrevocably covered in sweat.  This means a lot of showers for me - 3 or 4 a day.  Plus I still have this dumb cold, which kept me up most of the night in a fit of my own coughing abyss.  Matt (Dr. MD as he likes to anoint himself from time to time) has told me that all these showers (and going to sleep with a wet head) is causing my cold.  Funny, I thought colds were caused by germy transmissions.  No matter, my hair (already in a state of wonkiness due to falling asleep with a wet head) has gotten a much needed cut today.  I was sporting a layered Joan Jett with a body wave look that was turning few heads with my lack of blow drying attention (and as Matt would like to mention, brushing attention).  I am back to good ole Bob with a vengeance (and have bid adieu to the year old perm).  Alas, a sensible mom cut that I always revert back to it seems (even when motherhood was nowhere in the picture).  I would post a photo but am feeling indolent now.

1 comment:

  1. Well tomorrow is another day.

    Let me know when Mom arrives.
