Monday, August 16, 2010

Alone time with Charlotte

So I survived today. What is so special about today? Not a lot, except it was the 2nd time I took care of Charlotte BY MYSELF for a 4 hour stretch. I know, that is not spectacular (and some would say long overdue) but I like to tag team with either Imee or Matt. But knowledge breeds confidence (or some other platitudinous equivalent) and I lived and it was good - more than good. Admittedly Matt is more confident around the baby than I am. He is a bit more laissez faire (in a good way) than I am. If the baby cries I want to fix it straight away but Matt is more let the baby cry a bit, it won't hurt her, it is the only way that she can really verbally communicate. And it is indeed true, you do get de-sensitized to baby cries. What was once a jolt mechanism evolves into more of a 'Eh, the baby's crying, pass the potatoes (well, not exactly this, but closer to this than the sheer and utter panic of a newborn-parent-out-of-the-hospital).'

On a total aside, I wake up almost every night at some point in a panic - generally waking up from a dream that I am pregnant and I am supposed to be taking some series of pills for the babies health and I forget to take them. Does anyone else do this?

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