Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 18

We went to the doctor and Friday and Charlotte is 7.32 kg (or 16.1 lbs) and is 62.5 cm. She got jabbed (immunization #2) and cried but was a far better sport than I would have been (sadly Bucky and Charlotte take better to the needles than I do). The doctor called her progress 'super' - and we think so too.

I am considering meeting other moms but am still at the considering phase. We have decided to host Thanksgiving in Singapore - our first one here since we got married our first year and went back to the US last year. This is the hottest place to have Thanksgiving so I hope to be sporting some Daisy Dukes as I sweat my tail off hovering over the stuffing, much to the envy of my stateside friends!

Charlotte is sleeping like a champ most days, though she got up at midnight 3 days ago. Usually she is asleep by 7:20 and we work hard to keep her awake till 8:30 to ensure that she isn't up at 5.

I feel better in general - taking far less Arcoxia. I feel less like I need to muscle through the arthritis and more like it was just a bad, painful, annoying dream.

I think Charlotte has luckily inherited Matt's sour skin - I am teeming with bites while Charlotte remains virtually bite free (in our effort of austerity - we are without air conditioning and in this unusually rainy summer there are far more mosquitoes that now have ample opportunity in my, well, sweet hide if you will). I am taking one for Team Charlotte - by being human insect repellent.

I did a little video on my iMovie of Charlotte's 'walking'. I hope it doesn't get taken off of youtube.

Ninja Charlotte:

Reading a book:

Happy Charlotte:

Happy Part II:

Wearing Aunt Becky's onesie and Bla Bla Mary Janes:

More monkey feet:

7:20 Narcolepsy:

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