Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week 19

Charlotte turned over on Thursday!  August 19 was a monumental day with an anticlimactic set up.  Matt was out of town.  I was watching Modern Family on the Slingbox.  I put Charlotte on her back and I looked down (I was watching her out of the corner of my eye) and I looked down and she was on her belly.  Damn.  A big milestone and I was distracted by the TV.

Aside from this - we have become decidedly local and went out during the weekend to escape the (air conditionerless) heat of our house.  So we went to Funan Mall on Sunday and it seriously was the highlight of the day.  Matt changed Charlotte's diaper while she was in her carseat/stroller at Challenger, which was seriously awesome.

I took a short baby massage class today, and Charlotte tried to befriend the boy baby doll next to her, touching his hand.  It was too cute.

In Ho news, I am trying to befriend other moms.  It is fun.  I know things I didn't know 5 months ago and I can talk about them with some level of knowledge and experience!  Stellar.

On with the multimedia!

Charlotte in the shadows, turning over:

Charlotte in a new girly outfit:

Her first stomach nap (don't worry I was watching her and it was during the day):

Furrowed brows:

Driving someone else's car (without a license!):

Making friends with Thomas The Massage Doll:

A smile for mommy:


  1. Her cries in the video are I HAVE FLIPPED OVER! NOW WHAT! MOOOOOOM!

    I speak infantese.

  2. If you're watching stuff on the Slingbox, I highly recommend "the Good Wife". If for no other reason, one of the characters wears the most kick ass boots.

  3. Once they can roll over, you can't keep them from sleeping on their tummies.
