Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Week 146 and Week 59.5 - Sherry and Larry

Sherry and Larry left us on Tuesday morning.  Larry is playing in a golf tournament in Kuala Lumpur.  Best of luck to him!

I said goodbye to Doris - so sad to see her going back to America!  And Jisun had her son Jacob last week too!

I forgot to mention that Charlotte watched Daddy play hockey for the first time last week (Sherry and Larry came too).  For the first period she was miserable - I covered her ears the whole time as the sound of the puck being hit was too loud for her.  Then I bought her an ice cream to distract her and that seemed to work.  We made it down to where Matt was playing and Char was excited to see him in uniform.  I tried to point him out on the ice and I am not sure if she saw him.  Later she said she liked it!  She is always miserable in new situations.

I took Char to get her bangs cut and the rest of her hair trimmed.  She wanted to cut her hair super short!  I think my first memory was being about 2 and asking my mom if I was a boy or a girl because of my silly bowl haircut - and that is what Char wanted!  I convinced her to keep it long...

Charlotte has a bit of a tummy virus - I feel sorry for the teacher who had to clean out her underwear yesterday.  Back to school tomorrow after a day off today...

I met up with Kristin B - my new photography buddy.  She has inspired me to shoot in manual - most of the shots are in M mode this week...

We saw Rob White this weekend - it was great to see him.  Our whole world has changed over the past year but our old and trusty friendships remain the same...

A supercute video of Sophia singing to Old Macdonald with Charlotte dancing in the background:

And another cute video of Sophia dismounts from Charlotte's bed (the end when she claps is the payoff):

Charlotte loves Astrid!


Leo and I:
 Jisun, Doris, and I:

Hockey shots:



Second haircut:

Sophia in her batik dress that Daddy bought in Surabaya:

Serious Anna:

Yaya and Sophia:

Lovely Sherry:


Alex's curls:

Christobal?  Odilon?

Sophia in the sandbox:


And elsewhere in the playground:



And Charlotte in the park:



Sophia does not like matching outfits!

Sherry and Char:


Rob and Christian:






I like this pic of Char:

And Sophia:

More sister shots:



Here is an older picture with Charlotte's camera (note she would never smile this naturally if I was taking her picture- this is a Yaya shot).  She is all grown up (sniff):

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