Friday, March 12, 2010

Week 35 Doctor Visit

I went a couple days early to my doctor due to some extracurricular things happening 'down there'.  Not so focused on getting the photos this time so nothing new to report – and let me say the only thing I can make out from week to week is the super bright femur.  I still have a yeast infection (the aforementioned extracurricular) and I think I am finally motivated to curtail the sugar.  The latter part of this week has been one of unusual focus for me, even minimizing fruit.  Aside from this, Kumquat is 5.5 lbs, her head has dropped, my cervix is soft but closed and my blood pressure is still going strong at a consistent 120/80.  She is in the LOT position.  She is kicking me all the time, her feet staying right below surface.  Sometimes Matt and I push the feet back in, which is weird/cool.  Did you know that Singaporeans have less kids in the year of the Tiger?  The kids are too feisty apparently.

I am listening to these hypnobirthing tracks – and they are fabulous!  I am not sure if they are supposed to be soporific but I don’t think I have drooled so much since I was a baby!  They are supposed to help me relax but, like in yoga, I equate total relaxation to sleep.  I do need to listen to these when I am not about to go to bed sometime….

In other domestic news, I just bought a tub of Fage’s Greek Yogurt 2%.  It is double the price of normal yogurt but is not sour.  I will continue to buy it.  Don’t tell Matt it is 12 Singapore dollars a tub…


  1. holy smokes, that is pricy for that yogurt. i hope to make it back to singapore after kumquat arrives!!

  2. I looove Greek-style yogurt. I was constantly eating it the second half of my pregnancy. Unfortunately, I'm off dairy cuz the Mooch seems to be sensitive to cow's milk protein. How it makes its way into breast milk, I have no idea.
