Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 35ish: Somebody put a fat suit on my feet

IHere is a shot of my feet.  They are not at their puffiest.  I am a model of water retention.  I am also unusually attractive to mosquitoes.  All that extra flesh must make for an efficient bite.

Here is a belly shot.  I am wearing a T-shirt that says "The HO Depot" that my friend Joe gave to me at my wedding.  
I have been unusually uncomfortable today - as if my belly is an appendage that I do not have any dexterity over.  For the first time I felt like I could stop working any time now.  Kumquat was going nuts today - a rally cry for her imminent release perhaps.
This week I begin going to the doctor every week.  More updates to come.


  1. Ho and I are quite ready for the baby I think. It has been a relatively quiet 9 months and things were the same as always. But, over the past few weeks we have done more and more preparation.

    DB was kind enough to put the crib together when we were away one day at baby birthing class. We've got the pack and play done, and sheets and clothes are now washed. Ho is packed for the hospital.

    Things will change a lot, but that is ok with us. We are looking forward to having the little one join our family.


  2. matt! you are adding comments to the blog! wow, i am impressed!

    Keep posting more updates and pics!1


  3. Aw, your poor feet! Just as a warning, the swelling can get a bit worse for a week or two after you have the baby, then it goes away. But it does go away!
