Saturday, March 20, 2010

Zee Avi, Kumquat, and Me!

I had a chance to see Zee Avi in a Ryan Seacrest-esque interview and 3 song performance at a local university lecture hall on Thursday.  She was the marquee speaker among 3 - which meant that i sat for 3 hours in one of those university chair-cum-desk things that are not so confortable for prego me.  Kumquat thus far has exhibited little patience for sitting idly for long stretches of time.  Zee Avi is an "internet sensation" as she was discovered by the dude who produces the Killers off of youtube and now has an album and lives in NYC.  She was very charming and sweet - certainly not all entouragey and annoying.  After her concert I asked for her autograph - I am generally nonplussed by such acts but it was remarkably easy.  She was very nice, commented on my far-along pregnancy, wrote a lovely note.  She was short!  She had 3" heels on and I towered over her (and I am no giant).  My friend Rob ran into her at the taxi stand later where they chatted and she told him she was playing the next day at Stereolab at the Pan Pacific Hotel.  Matt and I went, waited for an hour and a half and we couldn't even see her!  We were sitting in the back and the acoustics weren't great for a concert and she only played for an hour.  O well.
I wish her well in her future - she is quite a talent!  

I was also commenting to Matt that this was the last concert before the birth but that is not true.  We are going to one next Friday.  YIKES!  Gypsy Kings and Buena Vista Social Club.  Very little chance of a mosh pit injury there.

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