Saturday, July 10, 2010

The bloody update

So we went to the doctor yesterday as the bloody stool thing persisted.  The doctor (a really nice Indian lady) suspected Charlotte is allergic to milk.  The fact that the symptoms manifested at the same time as our trip to America is just... coincidental apparently.  So we started Charlotte on hypoallergenic formula - Alimentum - and it seems to have cleared up her constant pooing and bloody stools almost immediately.    We know that this is going to cost us a small fortune in Singapore (as it is a small fortune in America) so we may toy with soy to see if a similarly desirable effect is feasible with the cheaper (and more pervasive in Singapore) soy stuff.  She has only pooed twice in the last day instead of the normal 5+.  We also are using petroleum jelly and homemade wet wipes (e.g. washcloths with water) to help a small anal fissure heal.  I hope Charlotte doesn't hate us for airing her dirty laundry here - but I think information is power and I appreciate hearing other mom's stories along the journey that is parenthood.

I was excited that our doctor visit also resulted in new stats!  So at 12 weeks + 1 day = 13 lb 10 oz (87th percentile), 60.25 cm long (71st percentile) and 40.5 cm head circumference.  She is proportional which is great.

In other news, Charlotte has discovered television and she has the same hypnotized TV face that Min and I both have too.  Sadly her first exposure to TV was... FOX News.

Also - I think Min lost all her hair (e.g. it fell out after it hadn't during the pregnancy) 12 weeks postpartum.  Every day I am looking for it in the shower drain.  Not yet.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, it took about a year for all my hair to fall out.
