Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week 82 and Week 34

Well we got rid of the bat.  Imee and I were anti bat while those with the surname Drake were pro - but since I spend more time at home (and can be slightly superstitious in these pregnant times) the bat went.  The first line of defense was our pest control service- they wanted to charge us $180 (on top of their expensive basic service) so of course we balked.  So clever Imee put a garlic bulb in its own mesh bag up by the bat with a long laundry pole - and the bat immediately vacated!  Yay!  He/she hasn't been back since but still does fly close by around dusk.

We took Charlotte to a surprisingly well-presented brunch and swim on Saturday (again at Tanjong Beach Club) and she slept like a champ (when we let her) on Sunday and Monday.  I think she may have taken a four and a half hour nap on Monday - when we awoke her at 7PM she was not happy to see us.  Sunday we met up with Chris, Jisun, Doris, and Ellie for a mid morning brunch.

Matt (being the ever-conscious son of a dental hygienist) is trying to kill the pre sleep bottle while I worry about her growth and am trying to keep it.  Our compromise is having Charlotte brush her teeth beforehand... which recently she HATES.  Like throw-the-toothbrush-across-the-room hate.  Multiple throws hate.  Needless to say this is a battle we are trying to be more creative with - including some hopeful imitate-mommy-while-she-brushes-her-teeth modeled behavior.  We will keep trying.

Monday we started Charlotte on feeding herself - a welcome relief for breakfast and lunch (still a struggle at dinner).  She enjoys the self-feeding - it seems to bore her less than when we shove some food in her mouth.  But dinner - she is still bored with dinner.  But at least as of Monday we aren't running around the living room with a spoon appendage trying to feed her.

On the pregnancy front - well no new news except I really cannot sleep on my side AT ALL.  It is all back sleeping which makes me feel guilty when I wake up but what am I to do?

Aunt Julia is visiting us from Bangkok and we are enjoying our time with her...

Here is a video from last week - Teo (Char's surrogate big bro) and Char in our mini pool:

And Char eating pho noodles by herself:

And swimming to hip-hop at the Tanjong Beach Club:

And with pictures (lots and lots this week):

Here is the Cheese Curd at 32 weeks (she looks like she has a cartoon villain dinosaur next to her head):
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And the long overdue pic of us at the zoo.  Notice Charlotte matches the expression of the primate on the right.  And this has got to be one of the best pictures of Matt evah:

Julia and the fam chillin' in our front yard thing:
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Char plays in her new beautiful dress from Aunt Jisun!
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Char and Aunt Julia plan our next vacation... to the Seychelles (haha):
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Daddy demystifies smart phones:
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Char enjoys her first mojito.  I tried to warn her about the hallucinogenic effects of tequila (o nevermind.  I forgot it is just rum there.  You can see I am not much of a drinker):
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Char strikes a happy swimming pose:
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Char still likes flip-flops - even if she isn't wearing anything else!
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And she and daddy enjoy some upside down time:
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1 comment:

  1. Love the last few pictures of Charlotte! She is just a doll. We had a tooth brushing issue as well and I started telling Katie Claire that the Disney villains or that Swiper was stuck in her teeth and I had to get them/him out and it worked like a charm. Good luck with the baby - not too much longer? You're having a girl?
