Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Adult jet lag

Jet lag has overcome me - I have begun to write this at 4:30 Wisconsin time.  The baby has fared better of late - we have put her in her sleepsack at night trying to indicate it is 'night time' and she has slept better on night 2.  We are using baby water for her formula and we are not sure if it is causing her to pass stools more - something certainly has.  On the plane ride over I packed too small clothes (I just didn't check them - they are extra clothes that have been in there for a while) and both shirts were too small and caused a gaping opening down her front middle.  Matt shook his head at me.  We also went to Becky's and had burgers and gazpacho and also put Charlotte in too small pyjamas.  O well.  It is hard to tell when stuff is on the verge of not fitting if she doesn't wear it everyday.  Or every week.  She has a little flat tire as evidenced in her too tight pyjamas.  It is too cute.

My arthritis seems to have gotten a bit better - the weather is a bit cooler here than in Singapore (but where is it not?) and not having to walk down a flight of stairs right after waking up probably helps or the Arcoxia is finally kicking in or who knows?  I will take it.  My carpal tunnel is also better but I still get tingly fingers after holding Charlotte or a bottle for too long.

I have hardly any milk left -- it is glorious and freeing!  Now I can be gone from the baby for 4 hours and not feel guilty (not that I want to be gone from her so long - but the whole breastmilk thing does feel like a ball and chain after a while).

We are in day 3 of no extra help - and we are surviving (albeit a bit tiredly).  It has not been so terrible - knock on wood.  Matt had planned for us 8 hours to be out of the house and I have put the kabash on that - especially given Charlotte's recent propensity for pooing, I really would not like to deal with that when we are at the bank later today.

Speaking of the bank, we are closing on a house in Madison today!  We walked through it for the first time today (you CAN buy a house off the internet, but it surely helps to have people help to look at it in person for you).  It is on Lake Mendota (God I hope I am correct with that) and it is foreclosed and will require a ton of interior renovations to make it habitable (e.g. there is nothing in the kitchen but stub ups and there is one toilet that is installed in the whole house.  YIKES!).  It will be a nice project since we don't have any urgency to move in and hopefully Matt and I can agree on the size of the kitchen (and the lower counter tops for me).  We have a boat slip too!

Also - before we left we renewed our house rental for another year!  Yay!  I am very excited since we got married and gave birth (literally) in the house.  I hope it is the only house that we know in Singapore!

Here are some videos - I haven't posted in a while so there are quite a few.  I guess there are some advantages to jet lag!

Charlotte liking the new baby gym at Becky's:

Charlotte sitting up - working her core is probably too much work!

Imee chatting with Charlotte:

Charlotte in the swing:

Charlotte in the baby gym:

Charlotte with her 'hands on' playing:

1 comment:

  1. A house, congrats! Charlotte is cuter and cuter every day.
