Saturday, June 12, 2010

This will hurt you more than it hurts me

2 month checkup yesterday - Charlotte weighs 5.3kg (11.66 lbs in English) and is growing fine (maybe too fine - but she certainly doesn't look too chubster yet).  She grew a whopping 4.5cm over the last month so she is now 58cm (26.4 inches).  She got her 2nd round of vaccinations (the first one was done at the hospital by the doctor away from us - probably for good reason to avoid all the shrieking).  Yes, there was blood curdling shrieking.  Louder than any hunger cry we have ever heard.  Matt held her down, she got 3 sticks (including one from a nurse we have had before who just cannot deal with fidgety babies!  Like hello, babies fidget for Chrissake).  After much deliberation we got Charlotte the BCG shot (for TB) which will leave a tiny scar in her butt (I was trying to pursuade the nurse to put it as much towards the middle as possible - I mean, who am I to preclude a potential bikini modeling career?).  After it was all over, she cried for a few minutes, calmed herself down (sans milk, surprisingly) and promptly passed out.  But holy hell, that shrieking was unbelievably unnerving.  Matt, in his typical tough love ways, seemed nonplussed but I certainly was a bit shaken by how much she was shaken (and shakin').

This morning Matt took off one of the bandages after her bath and the shrieks and the tears resurrected - as if a now repressed part of her mind emerged with that one rip.  So I think we should keep the other bandage on till it falls off.  Please, no more (controllable) drama.

Here are a few videos over the last week or so:

The ordinarily camera shy Bucky hams it up - he will sell his soul for chicken!

Charlotte getting burped:

Charlotte mesmerized by her dad's cool dancing moves:

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