Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week 7 for Charlotte

Another week passes and our little Charlotte gets heavier.  Sex and the City 2 has come out over the last week, even here in Singapore.  I am surprised more people haven't asked me if our Charlotte is based on SATC's Charlotte - no, but if she was the hussy one we would have probably thought twice.  Grandma Kathy is here, we tried to go to a Pixar exhibit on the other side of the country (i.e. 40 minutes away) and we forgot a teat and we (nee I) learned that we should always travel with an extra nipple.  I didn't get so much out of the exhibit but that is ok - I worked at the Mouse for so long I know how the story ends, so to speak.  Aside from this, Charlotte has evolved into a little fashion plate thanks to Grandma's keen eye, organization, and vigilance. 

As for me, it appears as if I have rheumatoid arthritis as some sort of fallout of pregnancy.  This affects 5% of mothers, and I am resigned to the fact that I am not in the fat part of the bell curve on many aspects of pregnancy (exceptional I suppose).  I am on these drugs which means that I cannot breastfeed for about 10 days, but can continue to pump (and dump) to keep my milk supply up.  Despite all my ranting about breastfeeding, there are aspects of the experience I enjoy and will miss, like being able to calm my child down and watching her look straight ahead - intently at my armpit (my friend Suelika even laments that after all these months, the loving eye contact exchange between mother and child still hasn't happened for her and Oli).  At least the feedings should take less time.

But enough about me.  On with the pictures and video!

A video of Grandma Kathy and Charlotte in her Paul Frank onesie (thanks Laurie!):

In awe:

With Grandma:


Looks like Mom (me!) here:
